Mithril Zeta

I thought I'd share a bit of one of my superhero characters. I first created Mithril using the old Villains and Vigilantes role playing game, then in 'Paladin', a rpg that Griffin, Raven's Path, and I created, and finally recreated him on 'City of Heroes.'
This is his most recent history as Mithril Zeta.
Grand Garou
Zachary Stevens was born in Grand Garou, Wisconsin. His father was a professor at Olympus College, and his mother was a librarian. His upbringing was upper middle class.
Grand Garou and Olympus College was a hot bed of supernatural and superpowered activity. Zach found himself to be the sidekick of many budding superheroes, including Daniel the Blue, Nicquetz, and the Iron Krunch.
Crescent University
He went to college at Crescent University in Kedra, Iowa, majoring in English/Theater and Secondary Education. While in college, his 'sidekicking' continued with Gambler Omega, Voltech X, and the Faux Fox. While helping with a case, he was captured and nearly killed by Verde Lobo and Archon Quo.
MacLeod, IA
When he moved to the small town of MacLeod, Iowa, to pursue his teaching career, he thought his adventuring days were over. He met and married Caitlyn Iversen and settled into teaching three quarters time at the public high school and a quarter time at the Catholic high school. There he met Sister Mercy, the woman who would become Nun Above.
When the Rikti invaded Paragon City and attention was drawn away from any other story, something mysterious happened to MacLeod, Iowa. The entire population disappeared. Zeta awoke in his class room, and found himself changed. His skin, teeth, and bones were all made out of silvery metal that was incredibly strong. He had a 'Z' symbol etched into the skin. It encased a fusion reaction that was centered in his chest. He learned to manipulate the energy and was able to smash, lift, and fly. His fine motor control was shot, which was extremely frustrating to the artist/writer.
Mithril Zeta
Zeta looked for clues and help in finding his wife or any survivor of MacLeod. His searching led him to finding other metal bodies in different destroyed labs. Each time, the body was at the bottom of a dried swimming pool. He found Mithrils Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon, and Kappa. The clues led up the Mississppi to Minneapolis, and then to Paragon City.
Paragon University
Mithril Zeta registered, but did not find further leads to his case. He registered and started working as a superhero. He started attending Paragon University to get a Rhode Island teaching license. He also started substitute teaching in the area public schools. He also joined the Guardians coalition supergroup. He is currently a member of the Guardians of Might.
While attending the University, he has met several heroes, and has started working with them as well. He fought beside SteelDragon and Kinetic Force.
In an attempt to gain control of his fine motor skills, Zeta signed up for some swimming pool sessions with Dr. Johanssen. It proved to be disastrous; it ended up that he was allergic to the chlorine in the swimming pool. The energy stored up in him exploded out of him with a massive electro-magnetic pulse, temporarily disrupting the campus.
Lady Moiread and Finnarial
When Lady Moiread appeared on the campus, Mithril Zeta was among those who came to help her. He had a confrontation with her 'cousins' Finnarial and Finnrhiod, but grudgingly came to respect Finnarial. When Finnarial sacrificed her power to save Lady Moiread, Zeta stayed beside her to help.
Zeta, Liz Stone, and the Mad Gremlin became Finnarial's caretaker and started helping her learn about human society.
Frat House
The four of them attended a Frat Party. While there, a group of trolls attacked the House. Zeta and the attending heroes took care of the trolls.
While they were attending to that, Arial was drugged and led away by the Frat President Erik Gregory Winslow. He was about to take advantage of her when her faerie powers activated and dove deep into Winslow's mind. She also summoned Zeta, Gremlin, and Liz. Zeta nearly killed Winslow, but Liz intervened.
Nun Above
The FBI contacted Zeta, telling him that they had found a survivor from MacLeod: Sister Mercy. Zeta met them at the airport. The moment he touched Sister Mercy's hand, he discovered that she, too, had been changed. Her body absorbed his energy, and became the insane Nun Above. Other heroes defeated her, but he felt responsible for the many deaths she caused.
Gremlin Manor
Zeta moved into the Old Chancellor's House closer to campus along with Liz, the Mad Gremlin, and Arial.
Currently, Erik Gregory Winslow has embarked on a revenge saga against Zeta and others the pharmaceutical's heir perceives as offended him.