Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

2006 is done. I thought I'd go through a little retrospective of the year from my point of view.

January saw the Junior Senior Weekend, a trip to San Diego, summer staff interviews round 1, and lots and lots of City of Heroes with Griffin and Raven's Path (that continues through most of the year).

February saw summer staff interviews round 2, and a trip to Madison and meeting the Mad Gremlin.

March had Dag's talk on Norse Mythology, staff orientation, and the Mad Hatter's graduation party.

April I finished the class description packets, being a fireman and a UPS delivery guy in the musical 'Working', and another trip to Madison to see the Wangs.

May we finally made it back to the Twin Cities and saw the Mantinis and got my comics for the first time in months. (boy, did I miss them). The class registration pages came back and I started the registration pieces.

June and July, as always, were very busy. I had another trip to the Twin Cities for my youngest cousin's graduation party. The summer program flew by - it was the best summer I've had since the mid-nineties. Excellent summer staff and a trip to Washington DC.

Something else nice was being left in DC, being picked up by my wife and siblings-in-law, and touring DC (although in extreme heat). The AmTrak trip back was wonderful. THAT is the way to travel.

In September we got back on a 'normal' schedule. I read 14 books in six weeks, along with 12 graphic novels. We visited the Twin Cities again, Ka'Senne picked up a few weekend job duties, and I worked away at the yearbook.

I turned 40 in October, helped with a set for the musical Quilters, and headed to Madison again. The grant - a ridiculously difficult process - was due at the end of the month, and got in.

I won't bother with November and December - I covered a lot of my thoughts on those in this blog.

Now - 2007, here I come!


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