Friday, November 10, 2006


On Halloween night, I watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." It brought back a lot of wonderful memories. I remembered the excitement of hearing the sound of the CBS spinning logo for a Special. Almost everytime that sound and spinning symbol came on, it meant a CARTOON was coming on! And usually Charlie Brown with the Dolly Madison commercials. Ah, what excitement! Cartoons were hardly ever shown. It was a rare treat.

It's quite different in todays culture. There is Cartoon Network, Toon Disney, Boomarang. Cartoons 24-7. I feel a little sorry for the kids today. They don't have that magical feeling of the spinning symbol of rarity. It's always there.

Maybe I'm sounding old and curmudgeony, but, you know, I still connect good feelings towards the Christmas and Halloween specials. The Rankin-Bass Rudolph, Little Drummer Boy, Frosty, Santa Clause is coming to Town, and of course the Charlie Brown Christmas.


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