Disappointed in Iowa
Overall, I like to think of myself as a moderate. It's probably not accurate. I am probably a dyed blue liberal. Heck, on some subjects I would probably find myself a leftist radical. Gay marriage is one of those subjects.
Earlier this year, I was thrilled at Iowa. We were moving forward in civil liberties. We were getting government out of the most personal part of our lives - marriage. The Iowa Supreme Court ruled that the gay marriage was constitutional. We were on our way.
Yesterday, three Iowa Supreme Court Justices were removed from Court because of their standing that not allowing gays to marry 'was unconstitutional because it unfairly disadvantaged one group of individuals.'
Here we are, complaining loudly that government is sticking its nose in where it has no business going, and at the most personal part of lives, the same group that is complaining about government in our business is saying that the government needs to step in and define what is a happy couple.
There are people out there who say gay marriage is a mockery of the institution of marriage. I sighed deeply. Mockery of marriage. Let's talk about infidelity. That is a true mockery of marriage. Perhaps the divorce rate. That seems more like mockery than a couple in love wanting to be able to legally make decisions together.
Iowa had been on the cutting edge of Civil Liberties. Now, I am embarrassed for my state again. We were just beginning to shake off the narrow-minded stereotype of rural yokels from the center of the country; we've moved backwards, Iowans.
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