Friday, November 12, 2010

The end of a class

Well, I finished the class. It was among the most time intensive and most frustrating classes I've taken, but I did also get an email from my professor that confirmed that creating a head and face that could be animated believably is perhaps the difficult thing one can do in 3D animation. It is.

I half jokingly said in my review of myself that I could be the poster child on how NOT to do things.

The next class - which started yesterday - will be helping me immensely with the coloring. It's a class on 'texturing' or putting on the skin of a person or item.

I do have three videos to share from this class. I was so excited to do the videos, but then my poor laptop could not handle rendering the hair, even after I lowered the number of hairs so my head hear looked more like my thinning hair - you know - working its way to bald. Unfortunately, after several hours, the videos would not post. I am going to be re-opening my youtube account so eventually people will be able to see those, too, but right now, I'm off to get started on the next class. And watch the Vikings and Bears play.


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