World War Z

I have recently read the book World War Z. I, of course, liked the name. I have to admit, I was hesitant to read it. It is about zombies. Now, I am a sci-fi, fantasy fan, but I'm not so much into the horror genre. I don't really enjoy zombie movies, so I went into reading this book by Max Brooks with a little trepidation.
I was surprised at how much I liked it. It was set up as a series of interviews with survivors of the zombie epidemic. I had picked it up and put it down a number of times, but yesterday I picked it up and read it from cover to cover. It was engaging, entertaining, a little on the unnerving side, and it read like a history.
I do recommend it.
One of the reasons I generally don't read or watch horror films is that I have an overactive imagination and I have troubles sleeping after those. Of course, this was no exception, but I still enjoyed the read.