I've been working on my various projects. The writing is coming along pretty well. I've finished another chapter of The Stone Dees and started on another one. The editing of book 2 is coming along very slowly, and as for book 1...well...I have a confession. I did start the process for submitting it I-Universe (on-line book-thingee that Raven's pointed me at). I got to a point and kind of freaked out. I have a phone number for someone there, and I've been truly procrastinating about getting it done. So, help me get kicked into gear again!

I've been doing some drawing. Here's one of the assignments from 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.' I had to copy this picture by Picasso upside down so I'd look at the shape of the drawing rather than thinking 'this is an eye' and 'this is a finger.' It was hard even upside down to get past that.
I also opened up the 'How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way.' I produced two pictures that eventually I'll paint - probably in the next week-week and a half. They feature my character Mithril Zeta from City of Heroes, as well as a friends villain character the Fenris Project.

Things all in all are going well. I'll have some other interesting news here soon, I think. Ciao!